Hetti Macindoe
2019-02-09, Saturday
NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf
(2.6km - Female 30-34)
Frequently close competitors
Daniel Glynn
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.0%
Hetti Macindoe
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.0%
Peter Sowman
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.0%
Ben Davidson
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.1%
Maree Drost
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.1%
Ann Browett
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.1%
Mark Thompson
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.1%
Chelsea Ouwehand
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.1%
Campbell Cairns
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.2%
Marianne Elston
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.3%
Mike Fitzgerald
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.4%
Tony Gayford
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.5%
Sue Mcfarlane
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.5%
Caitlin Leach
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.6%
Liz Wickham
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.6%
Brian Mcgurk
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.7%
Garry Downs
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.7%
Ian Shirreffs
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.7%
Caitlin Cooke
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): They won by 0.8%
John Crimmins
2019-02-09, Saturday NZ Ocean Swim Series - Generation Homes Sand to Surf (2.6km): You won by 0.9%